General Health

The Health Benefits of Coconut

Coconuts have numerous health benefits and are among the many wonder foods in the world. Health benefits of coconut include reducing the cholesterol, stabilizing the blood sugar, hydration etc. The coconut palm has been known for centuries as an antibiotic, antibacterial, anti-fungal, antiviral remedy and an excellent immune booster. Nowadays,Read More

Brain Health

Health Benefits of Coffee

It’s good for your brain: Let’s begin with benefits for your brain. Those who regularly drink coffee are less likely to get Parkinson’s disease or dementia. There are some more interesting influences: ability to reason increases, short-term memory improves and reaction time quickens. When you feel worn up after long day at theRead More

Hair Growth

Hair Loss and Role of Vitamins

Hair reduction and balding is not just a big and improving issue for guys with man pattern baldness, but it happens to be furthermore sadly found on the rise for females. Research suggests that there are hereditary causes for balding, but there are moreover hormonal imbalances at the job, and often even vitamin and mineralRead More